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                                            faster the foragers come back, the more food there is and the faster other foragers go out, until gradually the amount of food being brought back diminishes.───觅食者回来得越快,食物就越多,其他觅食者出去得也越快,直到带回的食物量逐渐减少。
Unlike physical energy, which is finite and diminishes with age, emotional energy is unlimited and has nothing to do with genes or up bringing.───与体力不同,体力是有限的而且会随着年龄的增长而减少,情绪能量是无限的,与基因或成长环境无关。
When spring's light comes, the melatonin diminishes, and suddenly we are awakened to the dusty, virus-filled house we've been hibernating in for four months.───当春天的阳光来临时,褪黑激素减少了,突然间我们被唤醒,回到了我们冬眠了四个月、布满灰尘、病毒的房子。
Hence "as a want approaches satiety its capacity to reward, and with it its power as an incentive, diminishes fast" .───“当一项需求接近被满足时,其提供回报的能力和作为激励的效果将迅速消失”。
Fall-off - How much the strength diminishes with distance.───衰减-强度以距离减少而减少。
The brightness of any point-source illumination diminishes rapidly with distance. This weakening of light is called fall-off.───任何点光源的光照亮度随着距离增加会迅速衰减。这个就叫光的衰减。
Absence diminishes small loves and increases great ones, as the wind blows out the candle and blows up the bonfire.───分离会减少渺小的爱,却会增加伟大的爱,正如风吹灭蜡烛,却吹旺了篝火。
Absence diminishes little passions and increases great ones, just as the wind blows out a candle and fans a fire.───离别减弱浅薄的感情而增强深厚的感情,正如风吹灭蜡烛而煽旺火焰。
But if he is replaced in a manner that diminishes confidence, the bank could face problems.───但以如此缺乏信任的方式取而代之,可能会给格莱珉银行带来诸多问题。
                                            But it cheapens liberty and diminishes the nation.
And it diminishes the employees' desire to go the extra mile when supervisors need them to.
Age diminishes the heart's ability to pump harder and faster under exertion.
This interpretation in no way diminishes the enigma of the relationship between electrochemical events in the nervous system and conscious experiences.
handicaps a man's pow Sadness diminishes or er of action.
If anything, the ruling further diminishes that argument.
But it also diminishes individual responsibilities and all but guarantees that organizational performance will remain consistently low.
The inaccuracy of the missiles greatly diminishes their effectiveness.
Colds, flu or any ailment that diminishes vocal stamina and luster are potentially disastrous.


